It's that time again!

Football! Shortly the teams will suit up and the new Season will begin. Thanks to Sara Jo (Freeny) Odom for her annual Schedule.
Even though the Reunion is behind us, Please follow the links below and help us keep current on the whereabouts of all our classmates!


And now, a few words from the Royal Joker:
• A little known fact.... The first testicular guard, the "Cup", was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.
• "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." ~Woody Allen
• Duh? My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
• So I changed my passwords to "Incorrect". That way when I log in with the wrong password, the computer will tell me: "Your password is incorrect."

And, a few words to address the Great Mystery: Who has been absent from the Royal Gatherings, and why? Our Inquisitor has captured this image. If you are this beachcomber, confess and all will be forgiven!
Remember those great rides we had back in High School? Here is a place to check 'em out again.... and lots more!


Please visit the Lost Knights page on the '60's NWC Website to see if you have information about any of our classmates who are on our "missing" list. Scroll up to submit ANY information that might be helpful. You also might want to check your own listing on the site. This is an ongoing Quest! - The Scribes and Keepers of the Royal DataBase thank you!
The website and especially this Newsletter should be filled with your latest news, events, and comments.
I need input from you to keep current! Send any comments, information, news, or events to: jcheves@ix.netcom.com, or please visit my online website.


